Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Just another day...

Today seemed to start out great. I even affirmed the students about what a great job they were doing keeping focused and on task. We were able to get morning work done and transition through our ELA without much incident.
Today was my first "official" day where I'm supposed to be in charge 100%. I did most of the lessons, having some help from RM along the way. It was weird though- having her there (and not a sub) yet still doing all the instructing. I do love it though- and getting more comfortable every day doing it. Who would have thought it would have been such a struggle to get up and talk in front of little kids?!

As the day progressed, (right after lunch to be precise!) things started to get really chatty. Students were losing their focus and I had to redirect several times. 
We got through writing and math and then it was time for science. I have been telling them for several days that we were going to start our science unit on parts of plants and their life cycle. Today we started our unit with an introduction and then they planted their seeds so we can watch them grow. We didn't get all the seeds planted so we will have to squeeze some time in maybe tomorrow to get the rest planted. I'm excited to be teaching them something that I am creating instead of something that is in a book and someone else is telling me how to teach it. I definitely feel more liberated! 
I'm still working on getting the Activote eggs working. There is a conflict in software and the "help desk" didn't seem to know how to fix it. I did learn from RM today that another teacher in the building uses these eggs all the time so I'm going to ask him tomorrow and see if he will show me what he does. I'm determined to get this to work!

My classwork (for my degree) is coming along. I'm very very very overwhelmed and have no time for myself or anything other than school or school. I have a monster paper that was due yesterday (Monday) but we got an extension because there are so many requirements for it. THANK GOODNESS too because I simply have so much more to do to get it done by tomorrow's new deadline.

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