Sunday, October 7, 2012

Another Friday down!

Every night when I am headed home I can almost bet that I will have a text from Greg announcing "another Wednesday down" or "another week down!" I swear, he is really looking forward to me being done student teaching-- my question though is what does he think my schedule is going to look like when I'm actually in charge of my OWN class? Um, I think I will have just as much of a commitment time-wise to face and be just as busy. But I will let him count down for now... for the record, I'm five weeks down and seven to go!

I'm excited to finish up and see what the next step will be (most likely subbing for the rest of the school year) but I'm also REALLY  not looking forward to being done. I have grown rather attached to those little darlings in my class- and I will miss them terribly! Maybe I can just stick around longer and nobody will notice that I should have left already?
Today was a bit of mixed good/bad. We had a handful of the normal Friday assessments. I think the students did well with what they were given. I read a story to them called Goldie Socks and the Three Libearians

I had read about this book on my Daily Five group and decided that it was something that I could use to explain the five finger rule as well as introduce the concept of I PICK. The story is very cute and the students really enjoyed it. I enjoyed when I had them make a prediction about what would happen in the story and when the complete opposite happened, I actually had several call out "what?!" in surprise. I knew I had their attention and they were enjoying the book. 
Many of the students got their yo-yo's this morning from the assembly yesterday. RM had them line up right away and put their names on them so that there was no confusion about which one was who's. I was very glad that she thought of that- that is one of those things that I will have to try to keep on top of- there are so many things to remember!
I am working at Teresa's this evening. I'm excited to see her- I haven't seen her since I started student teaching. That will be good- for both her and I! Then off to the campground for a fun (COLD!) Saturday night "drive-in" event. I can't believe how cold it is this weekend!

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