Saturday, October 27, 2012

Go Tigers!

The World Series starts today and our Detroit Tigers are in it! So to celebrate the end of the MEAP and to give a nod to our Tigers, we had a free spirit day today. The whole school was in Tigers gear (or orange and blue) to cheer our team on.

I am still trying to get the Promethean software to work. I downloaded a version onto my laptop and I can do anything with it to create polls and whatnot with the eggs, but I can't see the same options on the computer in the classroom. Of course this means that I can't show the students what the software is showing me on the whiteboard (because my laptop isn't connected to the projector). I really don't want to get behind the computer and start pulling cords during class. So we called the "help desk" for NHA today and asked how we can make this work. With some sweet talking we got them to update the software but I still was not seeing what I thought should be there. I ended up doing the lunch count poll on my laptop and showing the students how it works. They were so excited! (so was I to be honest) I'm going to get to the bottom of this though- those eggs are very valuable in a learning environment and I want to get them used! 

(Please note: these are NOT my students. This is just a random picture I found online of children using the Activote eggs)
This was my second day of "100%" and I think it went better than yesterday. Yesterday the students were very chatty and disrespectful. I know they are just feeling out their boundaries but that doesn't mean I have to like it. RM was mostly out of the room. At first I was glad that she wasn't in there because I could be more independent and comfortable because I wasn't feeling like I was being "watched" the whole time. But then the behavior issues started and I wanted her back! They certainly don't teach you in school how to manage behavior issues while still teaching the students! I could come up with a whole LIST of classes that I would have liked to take given my experiences in student teaching and my often feeling unprepared! 

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