Tuesday, October 9, 2012

In Fourteen Hundred Ninety-Two....

Yesterday was Columbus Day so the kids didn't have school. Of course that doesn't mean the teachers didn't have school- we sure did! We had a full PD about differentiated instruction. I have taken a couple classes that addressed this so I was pretty familiar. It was still nice to see in person though- given my classes are online, you don't really see hands-on activities like that. The lady that was presenting was very sweet and knew what she was talking about.
Even though the students were not there, I was still there late working on some activities for the week and making sure I was prepared for today. I came home to grab the kids and take Alex to Choi Kwang Do and Liv to dance and Tessa to the vet. The busyness doesn't stop just because I'm gone full time now! I also had a paper to finish up last night to submit so that kept me up later than I would have liked. While I'm loving every minute (well, ALMOST every minute!) in the classroom, I'm also grateful that I won't be in school while I'm teaching - at least not in the beginning. It is just too much to have to keep up on participation, papers to write for school, and plan lessons and teach all day. At least it is too much when you are a mom to 4 kids and trying to maintain some sort of sanity in the household while juggling all of that and never having taught on my own.
Today the kids came back and I was ready for a fun new day. We were starting a new story and they were excited about having a story with Spanish words. The morning was moving along when all of a sudden....

Second grade was hit by the Drama Beetle. Oy- this was not a fun thing! Of course I have been saying all along that I sure am learning a lot of things that I could never have learned in college, but this one really saddened me. Now, I have been a woman in society for well over 20 years. I know people can be nasty and some people can really be focused when it comes to something they believe about their child, but to see my second grade team upset by what happened and powerless to the results was eye-opening. I understand that things like this are going to happen- heck, I dealt with  much worse in the business world all the time. But that doesn't mean that I have to like it. There were a lot of interruptions because RM kept getting pulled out of the classroom and was dealing with the challenging situation. And when she was in the classroom you could see the stress in her face and eyes. I didn't know what was going on at the time- and just kept focus on what was really important: the children sitting before me who came to school today so that I could teach them something. So I made sure to do just that. I learned about what happened later but really, I had nothing I could do to fix any of it.
When I came home tonight I was talking to Greg about what happened and he asked me if I'm ready to deal with people and situations like that- because they will certainly happen in one way or another. I guess the short answer is bring it on. But my long answer is, "Why can't people just learn how to effectively communicate with others so that things like this don't happen in the first place?" 

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