Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I'm glad I'm writing things down each night because they days would otherwise blend together and I would forget things. Today was so busy that sometimes I would forget what had happened today (of course it could be from lack of sleep- and I'm not even in my seminars yet!) 
We have outside duty this week- so we have to be out to the dismissal area by 7:40 and help kids out of cars and supervise for 10 minutes before heading back into the building. We also have lunch duty when we have morning duty, so that means we are also outside for recess. This gives the other teachers a break and they can get things ready. It definitely makes things crazier in the morning, but I like the social interaction I can have with the kids during this time. I'm really getting to know some of their personalities and enjoying this time with them. 
Tomorrow we start NWEA with them. All the teachers are worried about how the kids are going to do and what the scores will be. I know kindergarten and second grade tests are really baseline tests, but it is still stressful for the teachers because they want the students to do well and show that they learned since the last testing session. It always amazes me how well the kids do during this stressful time. I was in a class before when they had NWEA and I helped observe them testing, but this will be my first time with my class. 
On Thursday I will teach my first math lesson. I have the teacher's manual and worksheets but I do have some wiggle room for creativity. I am working on that and will have it ready to turn in tomorrow. I want to be creative, but I also want to cover the objectives. UoP requires lesson plans that are MUCH MORE detailed than my school requires but I have been doing these lesson plans all along so I'm used to them. And I'm wordy too so I shouldn't have a problem filling up some space on the paper! 
Today was a challenge for a couple of our friends in the class. I ended up sitting with one a couple times during the day. Hopefully tonight he will get some rest and tomorrow not be as irritable. Getting adjusted to the school year is a challenge for me- I can't imagine how rough it is for a seven year old! 

I attended a staff meeting today after school. They created a social contract for the teachers and administrators. It has been so interesting seeing how the teachers interact with each other behind closed doors- and refreshing to see that they participate in activities that they ask the students to participate in. For example, not only do they do the social contract like classes are expected to make, but they start every meeting with good news. I LOVE this! Adults need to be able to toot their own horn and share good things too- It really sets a tone for meetings- and also helps people get to know you better. I really love this school environment!
Home life is going as well as possible. The kids don't like how unavailable I am but they are just out of the habit of me being in school. Next week when I start my seminar they will really not be happy. I made it clear though- they had me over the summer and now they must help me. They all understand this- but it doesn't make it any easier. Last week I think I saw Brittany for a total of 20 minutes all week between her schedules and mine. Hopefully we won't have a lot of weeks like that!

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