Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Ahhhh CHOO!

Anyone know where I can find about 30 of these? I mean, really- this is quite genius! You wouldn't be able to use cheap TP, but there are some toilet papers out there that are softer than most tissue! 
Today we retired our 10th box of Kleenex and opened number 11. Considering this is the 12th day of school, I would think we are going to run out well before June! There is a rather large group of students that are almost constantly going to the tissues and blowing their noses. One child laughed during lunch because he looked in the trash after he threw out his lunch trash and couldn't see anything he had thrown in there- it was swallowed up by used tissues. Ew...
I spend a good amount of time every day wiping surfaces with Clorox wipes and sanitizing my hands. Of course, that didn't prevent me from catching the ugly cold, but I'm trying to prevent a reinfection! 
I reviewed morning work again today. We worked on Read to Someone in the Daily Five and finished our Work on Writing I-Chart. This chart was posted as well- so we feel like we are well on our way and seeing some great success with the students building their stamina. 
This afternoon we let the students work more on their books. Basically for writing we do not tell them what to write about. We staple 4 sheets of paper together on the edges of the paper and encourage students to write stories and create their own books. We are keeping these books at school all in the same place for each student. The idea is that as the year progresses, they will return to each book and alter and edit as their skills improve. It is incredible to see these third week second graders spending 30+ minutes nearly silent working on these books. They love that they don't have to write about something specific and instead can choose their subject. 

We didn't have a parent come in today to help with lunch so RM and I were on lunch duty. I have been doing more and more with classroom management and today I kept control of the group after my lesson through lunch and got them outside for recess. Thankfully we don't have recess duty this week so we were able to sneak in five minutes to eat lunch while they were outside. The day does go by fast when you are constantly "on" but it is also nice to have a break and be able to let your brain rest a few minutes. 
We have a student out with pneumonia. I feel terrible about this! The student was coughing horribly yesterday and the day before but having asthma, the parent didn't realize the cough was causing something else. The doctor said the child could possibly come back Friday but we want them to take their time healing and feel better! It is amazing how these little people get into your heart so quickly! 
Today I taught my compare/contrast lesson in reading. We read the story again and this time I asked them on most pages what they could compare or contrast for the sister and brother. We worked on a Venn diagram and they are going to work on it some more tomorrow, coloring the decorations on the paper and these will be used in our new bulletin board in the hallway. I have to talk to RM about this, but I want an opportunity to create a bulletin board myself.  I doubt she will object- I just have to come up with a plan!

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