Monday, November 5, 2012

Day 6

Today was a very busy day- of course they all are. I just don't know where the time is going during these days!

Today I made it on TIME to specials! Now, many people might think this is no big deal and "yay for you weirdo" but seriously- this IS an accomplishment. We have specials the very last thing of the day. At 2:35 we go and students finish at 3:15. Which is when school gets out. So we are scooting back to the classroom, putting coats and backpacks on and running out the door to the parents. So that means we have to do planners and stack the chairs- pack backpacks and get everything ready- so that when they come back from specials they are ready to leave with minimal delays. This is a huge challenge for me. Truthfully, it is a huge challenge for all the 2nd grade teachers and NOT just me- so that makes me feel better. But today- we were on TIME. It was for Art and our art teacher looked shocked that we were there on time. I was like a proud new father too- this was my goal yesterday and we hadn't met it so today I was determined.

I have started getting gifts from my loved ones related to teaching. I'm sure in time I will get "tired" of such gifts and beg them for Target gift cards instead, but right now I'm loving it! My sister and brother-in-law gave this little dude to me when I saw them in early October. He sits on the top shelf of my desk right now staring down at me as I type- and I have to say he makes me smile! There are some things that will definitely go into my classroom and he is one of them! Thanks for the smile Mari and Cory! 

I have established a routine with the students for their weekly lessons to review vocabulary and other activities we do every week. One of those routines is that we play Tic-Tac-Toe with our vocabulary words. I have laminated sheets of tic-tac-toe boards and have the students write their vocab words in each space. Then if there are additional spaces (which there always is because we never have 9 vocabulary words) then I have them fill in reading comprehension skills or other words I want them to focus on and we play tic-tac-toe.

I will tell them to start off with an "X" and then give the definition of one of their words. They are to figure out what word I am defining and then cover it with an "X". Then I have them draw a circle around the next word and read it's definition. This was a rough start at the beginning of the year but at this point the students are not only used to this routine, but they love it! This week I was able to use it as leverage. Yesterday I had students writing the definitions of their vocabulary words in a notebook and then writing them on note cards to study at a later time. Normally, students take a LOT of time to get this done. Last week I gave them a limited amount of time (which really upset some of them) and then after a second time with the vocabulary, I told them whatever wasn't done they had to take home for homework. THIS did not sit well with them! When Tuesday morning came and we were ready to play the game, I had a large handful of disappointed friends who could not participate because they did not take the vocabulary home and wanted to still play the game. I stuck to my guns though and enforced the rule that they had to be completed with both flashcards and definitions in their notebook and only then could they play tic-tac-toe. 
So this week, yesterday I gave the assignment and was surprised when I saw this assignment on desks several times during the day- students were working hard trying to finish up so they didn't have to take it home- or worse-- not be able to play tic-tac-toe! This morning when I passed out the familiar blue sheets, I had a lot of smiling faces who were working diligently yesterday to complete their task. I love that I have something they want to do so much and it motivates them to complete a not-so-fun task!

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