Sunday, July 21, 2013

A first time Monday Made-It :)

I have been admiring all the "Monday Made-It's" all summer and finally decided to jump in and share what I am doing! Admittedly these stools took me more than a couple days to make, but I'm pretty happy with how they turned out!

I got the idea (and directions) for these on Pinterest. I have been wanting something nicer to go under the kidney tables that wouldn't take up a lot of space, but that was also taller than the crates. Still not sure what grade I will be teaching so I wanted something older kids could sit on. My 7th grader was not such a willing model, but you can see they aren't entirely too small for him:

I used a heavy duty material for them since so many teachers have commented about them getting dirty. 
And if you follow the directions on that link, I would recommend making the second row (the bottom row with elastic) at least a few inches longer than the directions recommend. I wanted them to go over the ridges in the buckets completely.
Also, I didn't want to deal with spray painting buckets. I also didn't want Home Depot orange or Lowes blue since my classroom colors are black and white with lime green and pink accents. So I went to the local (uh, there are a MILLION of them!) hydroponics store and bought their black buckets. Shop around--- they varied in price from $7 to $3 each. Also, if you don't want to paint over the writing on the buckets of any color, just use acetone and a green scrubbie (with some elbow grease!) to scrub off the ink on them. 

If you have any questions or want more pictures, just let me know!

My next project was my white boards! My oldest daughter and I went to Lowes and they cut two sheets for me. I got 36 whiteboards that measure 15x15 inches. I found some cool duct tape that I liked and covered the edges to help them last longer. They came out pretty!

That's all for now. I'm working on a matching stool cushion as well as several printables that I am getting ready to laminate.
Excited to see what everyone else is doing!


  1. Hi! I'm stopping by from Monday Made It! I've been thinking about the stool thing as well. I originally planned on making the crates like everyone else. I teach seventh grade though, and I was also worried about them being too short. It's helpful to know that the buckets will work for that age group! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Yep- they aren't tall but they aren't too small for 7th grade either. My son is average height. Anything to give the classroom some personality- the older kids love nice rooms just as much as the younger ones.

  2. I love the material you chose for your buckets!

    Mary Kate
    Windy City Learning
